Yoga & Open Centers

What they are and how they function

The open centers reveal key areas in our design where we are vulnerable to conditioning. Our mind uses them to create its own decision-making strategy in an attempt to keep us from further confusion and pain. Over time, the mind's protective strategies become unhealthy habitual behaviors or unconscious habits that carry over into adulthood.

Once we can see where the ineffective habits come from, and that they come from a space that is not you in the first place, it is much easier to let them go. As we begin to see how easy it is to become lost in our openness and identify with it, we can see the undefined centers as rich sources of exploration they are supposed to be. Through them come our most unexpected encounters, greatest discoveries and deepest insights, all joining together to become wisdom over time.

The Open Centers reveal your deepest wisdom

Over time, the open centers have the potential to become our greatest sources of education and developing wisdom. The beginning of this experimentation process is about recognizing where you are available to take in the conditioning of others, and how that impacts your overall experience. Simply understanding the themes of your open centers can bring you great insight. If definition provides the reliable framework for making healthy decisions, then our Open Centers at the beginning of our journey provide us with valuable information as to what our greatest distractions are, and more, how to navigate these distractions so we align more deeply with our strategy rather than try to move off of pressure and impulse. What we call wisdom is achieving a working understanding that allows each of us to interact, according to our design, with the world around us, without losing our center or direction.



On and off the mat

One of the benefits we receive in learning to care for our Open Centers is the ability to re-define our own relationship to our learning process.

Each of us are so different, and one of the things I’ve loved most in studying Human Design is that it helped me understand the incredible influence they were having in my life at a level that felt unsustainable. Before Human Design, I didn’t know what an Open Center was, I had no idea what a Reflector was… so this entire process for me started from scratch, from the ground-up.

Our Open Centers can either create our biggest sources of distractions and amplified resistance, or reveal the deep wisdom they keep within.


One of the benefits we receive in learning to care for our Open Centers is the ability to re-define our own relationship to our learning process. Each of us are so different, and one of the things I’ve loved most in studying Human Design is that it helped me understand the incredible influence they were having in my life at a level that felt unsustainable. Before Human Design, I didn’t know what an Open Center was, I had no idea what a Reflector was… so this entire process for me started from scratch, from the ground-up. Our Open Centers can either create our biggest sources of distractions and amplified resistance, or reveal the deep wisdom they keep within.


Open Centers & Decisions