

If you are interested in Human Design, or have been living your experiment for any length of time, you are sure to love Yoga for the Open Centers. Together, we'll dive into the nature of the nine open centers, their not-self conversations, and how to learn to love your open centers through gentle techniques designed to promote body-mind-emotional awareness, create space, release stored tension, and help you live from the light of your gifts rather than get caught up in the distractive pressures of the not-self mind.

Yoga for the Open Centers is truly a labor of love. As a Reflector in Human Design, I’ve spent the last eight years discovering how to navigate life with nine shifting open centers, learning to care for myself holistically and most importantly in a way that allows me to shift with the seasons and cycles of my own internal rhythm. It is truly an honor to support others in finding a healthier and gentler way to understand and grow with these aspects in our chart as they become over time our sources of great wisdom.

We'll incorporate some light asana, body movement, breathwork and guided meditation, so you will leave with simple and practical techniques to help you navigate through life's pressure with more ease and in alignment with your energy dynamics.

My Wellness Journey

began in early childhood.

Living with Tourette Syndrome has encouraged me to find alternative, holistic approaches to caring for my body’s changing needs throughout the years. The body’s needs are unique, and when we learn to nurture the exact environment the body needs to truly thrive, it is incredible to see what kind of transformation we can experience in the spheres of our lives that matter most. Life becomes more purposeful, more enriching, more effortless.

It lights me up inside to support others in cultivating more health and harmony between their inner and outer worlds, to find what fulfills them, and create a life they can truly fall in love with…without the burnout. My greatest joy in this work is seeing others step into the light of their true Radiance.

Flow with me

With a focus on holistic energy alignment and body-led living, each private 1:1 session is catered to your needs in the moment, to help you connect or re-connect with your most natural rhythm.

We will focus on tools, techniques and practices you can utilize in your daily practice to bring more calm to the nervous system, ease to the body, and rest to a busy mind.

We’ll incorporate wisdom from the lunar path to create a gentle and tailored approach to cultivating this inner and outer harmony in the year ahead, with an aligned approach that fits you by design.